
Scala and Processing

I'm trying out Processing together with Scala to write examples for my programming book.  There are at least two ways to use it: 1) Spde, which does some integration work but is a bit of a chore to run, and 2) simply using the Processing core.jar as a Java library from Scala, which is simple but probably has some compatibility problems that will surface eventually.

Processing: http://www.processing.org/
Spde: http://technically.us/spde/About
Using Processing from Scala described here: http://hipstersinc.com/blog/2008/1/23/scala_and_processing/


Getting to the Point

Coding has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember clearly.  When I was a kid, I read Martin Gardner's columns (collected and printed in non-descript volumes that no normal child would ever touch).  I filled my drawing pads with tables of numbers in different bases, I worked with ciphers, I made a deck of punchcards to try out sorting and selection routines (yes, I do have Asperger's).

Growing up, I branched out from the mathematical/metamagical.  I picked up the role-playing games hobby, which is to date my most extensive arena of 'real-life' interaction with other people.  I was never a keen role-player as such, though; I was mostly interested in it for the opportunity to rub shoulders with like-minded people, and for the coding aspects of it.  A game is created by encoding a small domain of interactions and goal-fulfillment paths into rules and components (maps, tokens, etc).  A role-playing game attempts to encode the domain of domains; potentially the totality of human (and meta-human) existence, into a tractable set of rules.  Most of my RPG-related activity consisted of experimenting with and codifying rules, playing came second to that.

In the professional sphere, I began to work with computers and programming.  My first languages were BASIC and Pascal.  While I found them interesting, they didn't really tickle my coding instincts.  A friend and I started working in machine language (for the Z80 and 8085 processors) which suited me better, but then I got work writing an application for AutoCAD, using the AutoLisp language.  I was hooked, and since then, everything I've worked with has involved programming to some extent.  I got a degree in Informatics, worked as a programmer, then as a programming teacher, and I've also built web sites.

My favorite areas are those that relate to code expression and dynamics: code generation, literate programming, AOP, patterns, etc.  Right now I use Scala for most of my personal programming.  The purpose for starting this blog is to try 'thinking out loud' in Scala about those areas that interest me.  It will be an opportunity for self-teaching in a way that my private coding can't offer, and hopefully useful to others as well.

So, here goes.